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Sidney Masonic Temple

303 E. Poplar Street

Sidney, Ohio 45365

Stated Meeting - 1st Tuesday except January and February at 7:30 pm

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                                   Theme:  Friends are Love

                                   Emblem: Rose

                                   Motto: "A single rose can be my garden, a                                             single friend, my world!" Leo Buscaglia

                                   Color: Red and Black


Life's Lesson:  Proverbs 27:9

"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul"


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Pleiades Chapter 2025 Officers


Worthy Matron - PGM Debby Pitts, PM

Worthy Patron - Gary Pitts, PP

Associate Matron - Debi Wood

Associate Patron - Rob Morrison, PP

Secretary - Julie Morrison, PM

Treasurer - Elaine Pumphrey, PM

Conductress - Diane Dempsey

Associate Conductress - Sheryl Regula, PM

Chaplain - Rev. Joe Pumphrey

Marshal - Marilyn Melton-Miller

Organist - Mary Cupp

Adah - Betty Setsor-Prescott, PM

Ruth - Carolyn Warner, PM

Esther - Carol Brauer, PM

Martha - Heather Wood, PM

Electa - Sue Yaney

Warder - Elaine Williams

Sentinel - Terry Cupp



Marilyn Melton-Miller - Chairman

Ralph Fearnley (2 year)

Sue Yaney (3 year)



Rob Morrison - Chairman

Mary Cupp (2 year)

Sylvia Smith (3 year)



Connie Snider

Sylvia Smith


Contact Us:

Secretary: Julie Morrison


Facebook: Pleiades 298 Order of Eastern Star

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